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Children are born with the intention of grabbing our attention, and our attention is vital in their development neurologically, socially, and emotionally.

You as the parent or primary caretaker are the child's first teacher, their first view on how to tackle life's challenges, how to regulate their emotions, and how they will connect with others.

A child's connection with their parent is the blueprint for how they will proceed with life and anything that is thrown their way.

Being in the present moment is so rewarding, but can be very difficult.

Our brains are always thinking. We have thousands of thoughts per day that we're not even aware of, and a busy mind leaves no room for rest.

Incorporating mindfulness into your daily life is not just rewarding, but freeing. 

Meditation? I thought this was about mindfulness?

Yes it is, but mindfulness and meditation go hand in hand. In order to be present, to be mindful, to be in the moment, you have to learn to quiet your mind. Can you really focus on the present when you're thinking about tomorrow's work project? Or what chores you have to do when you get home? Your mind is elsewhere.

Meditation is the practice of quieting your mind.

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment.

In those days and moments where you just have too much to do but still want to connect with your child, I offer an in person service where I will take some responsibility off your hands so you may focus connecting. Maybe laundry needs to be washed, or dishes need to be cleaned. Maybe you have multiple children who all want your attention at the same time (of course) but that's overwhelming for you. While you focus on one child, I can interact with the other.

If in-person assistance is something you would like, I highly recommend meeting at least twice before engaging in whatever activity. Just like you need to be in the present moment, so does the child and that's hard to do when a stranger is around them.

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